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Everybody. Ingrid Michaelson Cover
Cover by Abigail McDonald for SMT. Thanks Abi!
"Pepeha" is a song by New Zealand band Six60, performed bilingually in English and Māori. It wasreleased to coincide with Te Wiki o te...
The ocean drum song / sensory regulation / calming / ASD
An original song by Jenny Lee Jenny says: "This song was written in the spirit of the moment, as I was watching my client having such an...
Row Your Boat
30 seconds - watch until the end. Trailing something fun to share with clients and the Southern Music Therapy community.
If Your Happy. Canon
A canon of two songs. If your happy and you know it. If you clap and your feeling sad. Performed by May, Kim and Addie
Five Little Specked Frogs
This song is a very popular song with some of our young and young at heart clients. This song is sung by the lovely Lucy. Have fun...
Happiness is something
This song is created for some special clients from Southern Music Therapy by our music therapist lovely Lucy.
Everybody Can Play
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at...
Squeeze Your Hands. Action Song
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at...
If You're Happy and You now it. Action Song
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at...
Time to Say Goodbye! Song
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at...
Colourful Ukuleles. Action Song
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at Southern...
The Rainbow Colours. Call to Action Song for Children
Can you find all the colors around the room? Point at them while we sing, or play the instrument of that colour! This song is written by...
Squeeze My hands Song. Warm Up your Body!
This song is written by Megan Spragg and it is designed as a warmup or settling activity. It utilizes the body’s natural internal rhythms...
I can feel the beat in my heart. Call and response Song
”I can feel the beat in my heart” - action song/call and response Song written by Jenny Lee Initially the client I wrote the song for...
Haere Mai
Created for the students at Waitaha School as Part of their group therapy. Created by Lucy Kelly - Registered Music Therapist at Southern...
Freeze! Musical Play
This song is designed to help develop the ability to stop on cue, to listen, to wait, or to stop when there is a need to do so. It...
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