As Music Therapists we aim to provide an emotionally supportive environment for a child to feel safe and nurtured. Music therapy can aid in fostering meaningful connections and support development in a fun, interactive and positive environment.
Music therapists work with children and their whānau to support:
Developing verbal and non-verbal communication
Sensory and physical development
Social and emotional functioning
Cognitive skills
Emotional expression
Trauma recovery
Why music therapy:
Music has a significant and profound impact on the brain.
Music has a unique way of reaching and connecting with people. It is a powerful and effective tool for promoting health and wellbeing.
Numerous studies show that music can restore some of the cognitive. sensory and motor functions of the brain after illness or injury.
Neurologic music therapists on our team specialise in working with people with aphasia, apraxia of speech, gait training and motor movement.
Our music therapists collaborate with allied health professionals like physiotherapists and speech language therapists to get the best outcomes for our clients.
Services include:
Individual sessions - you can come to us or we can come to you (t&c apply)
Group sessions - please keep up dated on our groups page for more information
School sessions - we currently work with Waitaha School & Allenvale School, please see below for more information.
Referral process:
If you are interested in enrolling your child into private music therapy, we kindly ask for a referral form to be completed. This will ensure we capture the information we need to find a suitable time slot. We do offer outside of 3pm, this is limited to availability. Once your referral form is received, our team will be in contact with you within 7 business days to discuss options further.
Initial sessions:
All new clients will be required to attend an initial session with one of our Registered Music Therapists. The initial session is designed to allow engagement & exploration with the child & to establish goals. Please allow up to 60 minutes for this session.
Funding providers:
We work with a number of funding bodies, including but not limited to, ACC, Enabling Good Lives, Manawanui, Florence Nightingale & many more. We can provide you a quote to support your application. You can use your carer support & respite budgets to pay for individual & group music therapy. Keep up to date with funding information here.
If you would like to find out more about music therapy, please email info@smt.nz.

“Music therapy provides a language for children to express feelings, connect with others, and heal in ways words cannot.” – Family member