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Term 2 Newsletter 2024

Term 2 is almost done and dusted with just 1 week left, here is a bit of an interactive catch up from the team! Enjoy the catch up from our term we have had many exciting things happen and many exciting video's below! Be sure to check out our concert details too!

Like always, thank you for supporting SMT! Happy reading & watching


Funding Updates



World Music Therapy Week 2024


Our entire team held various events & information stations at each of our clinic spaces and beyond for world music therapy week this year. Valentina showcased at Hōhepa, Kim, Jenny, May & Gemma had a stall at BrainTree, Renata & Esther ran a group session at St John of God, May & Valentina had some fun with the choirs and so much more happened throughout the country.

World Music Therapy Week is held every year between the 10th - 15th of April.

What will we get up to next year?!


Client Stories


As part of our music therapy week celebrations, we paired our therapists with one of their clients to learn more about Music Therapy from a client's perspective, we shared these client stories on our social pages, and they now live on our website as well. It was a beautiful way for our clients and therapists to connect as well as another way to spread awareness and give our clients the voice they deserve.


Music Therapy New Zealand - 50th Anniversary!


This year we celebrate 50 years of Music Therapy right here in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Four of our therapists - Kim, May, Esther & Renata have each been chosen to present, which is a fantastic achievement! The 50th Anniversary conference theme is "Looking back, Moving forward" and is expecting many people from all over the world to attend in Wellington in September.

Wishing each of our therapists the best of luck!

If you would like to attend this conference, you can do so via the link below.


MS&P, CSO & SMT Collaboration!


In our term 1 newsletter, we shared the MS&P Music to Movement Group collaboration with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra (CSO). Please enjoy this short video on what the Movement to Music Group is all about, hear from our director Kim talking about why this group has been so important.

If you have Parkinsons and are interested in more music groups, please register

You can read more about the group on the CSO website, if you would like to find out more you can contact the CSO directly via the details provided in this blog post.

Keep up to date with the CSO via their Facebook page!


Junior Groovers Group


Our junior groovers have been busy creating a video in hope of gathering more junior groovers to join their growing group! We hope you enjoy this video below from our fellow Junior Groovers!

If you think you might want to be a junior groover or know of a junior groover, please complete our referral form & select Junior Groovers Group* we look forward to hearing from you!

*An initial session may be required to ensure the group is suitable for you to attend.


Aphasia Awareness Month - June!


June 2024 has been Aphasia (ay-faze-yuh) Awareness Month.

Here is a link to a short video of a woman kindly sharing her story - Patient reveals how Aphasia has impacted her life.

Key points:

  • It doesn’t affect our intellectual ability!

  • Give us some time to answer.

Here at SMT, we work with some pretty awesome people that have varying degrees of Aphasia. We work with people both individually and in group settings including both the Cantabrainers Choir & North Canterbury Choir.


Always learning & developing our skills as a team!


Once a month (at least) we have time scheduled to discuss 'Clinical Topics' - each of our therapists are given the opportunity to head the meeting and choose the topic to discuss. This month (June) part of our team was away so we had just a small group learning from Kim about Neurologic Music Therapy specifically around how to consciously work with stroke clients including some roleplay from the team. Our entire team learn something new at every meeting we have. We are all incredibly grateful for these monthly sessions, our past topics for 2024 have included Cultural Responsiveness, Note Writing & Therapist Self Care. We love learning & developing as a team.


SMT T-Shirts


SMT 2024 Journeying Together Concert!


We are incredibly excited to be sharing with you that we will be having another concert this year. Last year we had a huge turnout, and we know this year will be the same!

Our incredible clients & their therapists will be sharing their journey together through special performances they have been working on together. To be able to have a safe space for our clients to share this with you is something we are very honored to be able to provide.

If you would like to join in on the fun, we kindly ask for you to RSVP via our event on our website (linked below). We welcome a donation* to attend, this can be made online or on the day (cash or bank transfer). If you are not able to donate but would like to attend, please enter $0.00 in the ticketing section.

*Please see our website event for more details.


Do you follow us on social media?


We share lots of exciting news weekly, please follow, like & share!


Referral Form


Do you or do you know someone that would benefit from Music Therapy? If so, we welcome you to complete our referral form to secure your space in terms 3 & 4 now! You will be added to our waitlist and contacted when a suitable time becomes available.


Thank you for reading our newsletter, please share this with your wider community, just another way to support Southern Music Therapy!


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